Coworking is primarily a space for work, business meetings and a place where you can conduct training. Due to emerging demand and the desire to expand the area of services, coworking spaces offer much more. Their aim is to relieve the entrepreneur as much as possible, so that he can fully concentrate on his work and on further development of his company. Read the article to the end to find out what are the additional services offered in coworking.
Virtual office
A virtual office is primarily a company secretarial service. It consists, among other things, in the fact that all company correspondence comes to the address of the virtual office. You receive a notification upon receipt of each piece of correspondence and it is delivered to you in the way you wish. This can be a scan sent via email, a mailing to your home address, or in-person pickup. If you do not have an established business but would like to open one, you will be provided with an address by the Virtual Office to register your business – this is a perfectly legal solution. After appropriate training, a Virtual Office employee can take care of your outgoing correspondence, as well as answer the phone and register new orders or make appointments with clients. Let them take over some of your responsibilities and spend the time they save on more important things. This could be planning your next steps in marketing or spending time with your family.
Additional services offered in a coworking space – Accounting
It is the duty of every entrepreneur to do their accounting. Instead of outsourcing this area to another external company, move it to the company where you use coworking. And it will be another part of your business (besides office support) that you will keep in one place. This will allow you to have comfort and peace of mind. While using the coworking space, you can deliver invoices for billing to accounting in addition to receiving correspondence.

Additional services offered in coworking space – Legal advice
If you have questions about the contracts you create or the provisions of a contract you have been given to sign, you can take advantage of legal advice, which is provided by professionals working in Virtual Offices. Instead of searching for a lawyer or legal advisor, take advantage of on-site legal services in a coworking space. Legal services on a subscription basis are offered by a growing number of Virtual Offices present in the market.
Setting up a company is a time and money consuming process. Instead of going through all the steps of setting up a company, you can buy a ready-made one. It takes no more than 24 hours from the moment of purchase to the moment when you can operate under the name of the company. Ready-made companies are kept dormant until you buy them, i.e. there are no contracts concluded, etc. For this reason there is no fear that you will buy a company which has some history on its account.