Month: May 2021

What is a European patent

What is a European patent

A European patent is a protection title imposed on inventions. It is granted by the European Patent Office on the basis of the European Patent Convention. It is valid in the territories of the member states of the European Patent Organisation. Of course, with one application and its successful acceptance, Read More

What is a patent and what does it guarantee in Poland

What is a patent and what does it guarantee in Poland

Development of the ability to create new solutions, technologies and products requires effective protection of the rights to intangible assets, especially such as inventions, which are the most innovative achievements in the field of technology. Patent protection significantly contributes to increased competitiveness and better use of the potential of market Read More

What is forest law

What is forest law

Forests in Poland cover almost 9.1 million ha, constituting almost 1/3 of the country’s area. Forests have many important functions, such as: economic, social and ecological. Forest management (including timber production) is one of the most important branches of the national economy, along with trade, agriculture or construction. Forest law Read More

When financial statements are filed

When financial statements are filed

Financial statements are among the most important reports of a business entity. They are prepared at the end of each fiscal year or to close the books of account. The report has a strictly defined form. It has to be prepared carefully and accurately so that the person checking it Read More

What are assets and liabilities

What are assets and liabilities

Every company has different types of assets. These include, for example, equipment, facilities, machinery, premises, buildings, cash or means of transport. All these (and other) resources are divided into two groups: assets and liabilities. Read the article to the end to find out what assets and liabilities are. Assets Assets Read More

Is accounting also accounting

Accounting or bookkeeping

In the field of finance the terms “accounting” and “bookkeeping” are present. And although in a colloquial sense they mean the same thing and are treated as synonyms, in fact one cannot put an equal sign between them. These terms are used to describe, for example, companies that deal with Read More