Month: June 2021

Types of employment contracts

Types of employment contracts

An employer can be a natural person who runs a business as well as a private person who does not run a business and an organizational unit (e.g. a limited liability company). An employee can be a person of full age. An employee performs a certain type of work for Read More

How to keep employee records

How to keep employee records

When you hire any employee, you are required to establish and maintain employee records. Remember that you must keep these records in a confidential manner and in conditions that prevent damage or destruction. You can keep and maintain employee records in both paper and electronic form. Make sure it is Read More

Contract for entrusted property

Contract for entrusted property

When providing an employee with expensive tools, machines, money or means of protecting the employee, the employer is entitled to require the employee to sign a contract for the entrusted property. A delivery and acceptance protocol should be attached to it. This should describe the condition of the equipment. This Read More