
What is a startup?

What is a startup?

Startup is a concept known in Poland for several years. Practically every day we can hear or read about them in the media. However, the definition of a “startup” is still fluid and inconsistent. A startup is often referred to as a young company (e.g. up to 2 years after Read More

Is every new company a startup?

Is every new company a startup?

No, not every new company is a startup because not every company brings something new to market. The goal of a startup is dynamic growth based on a developed product, service or solution. Besides, such a business is not free from experimentation and risk of success. In case of success, Read More

Top Polish Startups in 2020

Top Polish Startups in 2020

Polish startups are going from strength to strength despite the Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting economic hardships. Particularly successful are companies that specialize in biomedicine or have a novel approach to operating in the online world. Most of these companies have a plan to go from the national scale to Read More

How are startups funded?

How are startups funded?

The main goal of a startup is to achieve quick success related to the launch of its new product. Research shows that the internet is the main area for startups to operate. This gives the opportunity to expand the territory of operation which is a great chance for financial success. Read More

What countries have the best conditions for startups?

Stages of startup development

Founding and operation of a startup is connected with subsequent stages. Distinguishing between them is very important because it allows you to match, among other things, financing strategies, which are different in different phases. It also allows you to set further goals and helps you stick to a schedule of Read More

What countries have the best conditions for startups?

Which countries have the best conditions for startups?

American “CEOworld Magazine” has made a ranking of the most startup-friendly countries. Poland was ranked seventh on this list (six places higher than in 2018!), ahead of other European countries such as Switzerland, France and Ireland. Five factors were examined to create the ranking. These include: investment in human capital, Read More

The world's most famous startups

The world’s most famous startups

Startups are mostly associated properly with small business. And this is a valid association. In many cases, small startups have turned into huge global companies, becoming leaders in their fields. All of them offer services or products known also by Polish citizens. Read the article to the end to find Read More