The fastest growing regions in Poland

Najszybciej rozwijające się regiony w Polsce

According to the latest CSO studies, in 2019, 56% of the value of gross domestic product was produced in five regions: the capital Warsaw, Silesia, Greater Poland, Lower Silesia and Lesser Poland. If we consider the shares of each area in the creation of GDP, their share varied significantly. Ranging from 2% in the Opole region to 17.6% in the Warsaw Capital Region. In 2019, all regions recorded GDP growth in current prices compared to 2018. Read the article to the end and find out where the fastest growing regions in Poland are.

GDP in the regions

The fastest growing area in Poland in 2019 was the “Mazovia regional” area. GDP at current prices grew there by 9.7%, while the national average was 7.8%. The smallest growth was recorded by the Kujawsko-Pomorski region by 5.5%. The leaders in the rate of economic development were also the capital region (it includes Warsaw with its eight surrounding poviats – 9.3%) and the voivodships: łódzkie (8.7%), pomorskie (8.6%), wielkopolskie (8.5%), lubelskie (8.3%) and podlaskie (8.2%). The lowest GDP growth was noted in the following voivodships: kujawsko-pomorskie (5.5%) and śląskie (5.9%). Despite the fact, that two voivodeships from the eastern part of the country (lubelskie and podlaskie voivodeships) are in the lead, so far we can not talk about reduction of differences in development between the eastern and western part of Poland. Thus, the gap between Warsaw and the rest of the country is growing.

GDP in the regions

The fastest developing regions in Poland – GDP per capita

The value of GDP per capita in 2019 was 59.5 thousand. However, its value varied when it comes to the region. The highest GDP per capita was recorded in the capital Warsaw region – 130.9 thousand (219.7% of the national average). Here it should be noted that this area is separated from the rest of the country by a huge gap. Another region with the highest GDP is Dolnośląskie. Compared to Warsaw, it has almost twice lower GDP – 65.2 thousand (109.5% of the national average). The third place goes to Wielkopolska – 64.6 thousand (108.5%). The lowest GDP per capita is in Lubelskie region – 40.7 thousand (68.4% of the national average) and Warmińsko-Mazurskie region – 40.8 thousand (68.5% of the national average). It is easy to see that the money earned in these regions constitutes only 30% of the capital city’s GDP.

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